domenica 28 settembre 2008


While preparing some kebab at the fast food, tonight...

boss: "..."
me: " ...?"
boss: "..uhm..."
me: " yes? there's something wrong? "
boss: " you're taking it too easily, why don't you sing and whistle in the meantime?"
me: " really? you want me to sing? *_* "
boss: " ... keep doing your job, quick!"
me: " oh, ok! ^_^ "

What happens when all you can think of is singing out loud, to free your soul in the only way you know, to communicate to others in your own special way, to whistle a tune that seems stuck into your mind?
Well, you want to sing even when you're cooking and lots of people is waiting for the orders behind you :P
But I did not sing tonight, or at least I did not do it in front of the costumers... but after midnight, I was cleaning up the kitchen and I sang a little, just to distract myself from the pain I felt in my feet ( to stand for almost 6 hours would kill anyone, I assure you) and when I got out of the place a man sitting outside with his wife, my boss and another friend, told me I had a good voice.
My cheeks turnes red, for I didn't know they were actually listening...I said " Thank you" and then be gone as fast as Speedy Gonzales, straight to my car!
I'm not used to compliments, I will never be, I think, but I Am grateful :)

Now I am tired, another day is over ( or at least it seems..) so I'm going to sleep.

Good night!

2 commenti:

Athena ha detto...

I sing while I'm driving my car, cleaning my house, etc. In Spain, we have a saying: "El que canta su mal espanta" ("The one who sings, he frightens off his misfortune"). Sorry for the (bad) translation.

I see you have I nice voice. I don't have it (I'd like to), but I'm always singing (when nobody hears me, ja, ja).

Keep in touch!


jiujiu ha detto...

"El que canta su mal espanta"
would somehow be " Chi canta il suo male spaventa" in italian :D it's nice! now I know why I feel so lucky since I started singing " seriously :P
I think you too have a beautiful voice, and I would love to hear you singing! I was like you at the time, I sang when nobody was home, now I'm more aware of my voice, even if sometimes I just forget there are people around, hehe!